The kings Assets International platform is a real blueprint for the industry. Isn't it great to trade on the absolute best platform the world has to offer? This award is the proof.
Forex Awards 2021The Award of Excellence is the highest honor among The Communicator Awards, given to those that exceed industry standards in quality and achievement. The kings Assets International trading app was recognized by the voting committee as the best one in the Financial category in 2017.
The Award of Excellence.The prestigious award was given to kings Assets International in recognition of our outstanding commitment to Quality and Excellence, particularly in the realm of Customer Satisfaction.
Business Initiative Directions GroupWMA has been helping to set a high standard for Internet marketing and web-development since 1997 by highlighting the best of the best in the industry with their annual MobileWebAward. In 2016 the kings Assets International mobile app was found worthy of this honor.
The Web Marketing Association